Wednesday, May 27, 2009

LG W35 Monitor - The Best Monitor For Gamers

Uh! Istill want to play this game, but it hurting my eyes. Have you ever experience such a feel? If you do, you are just like me. Satisfying our game addiction and caring for our eyes, never go hand in hand. Because when we play our favorite games, we usually forgot about the time. And worst, if we play it after our work or other activity that hell tiring. Our eyes force us to end up the game by causing pain or uncomfortable feel inside our eyes. But how can we can abandon our game character we are just about to reach the top level or the final boss of the dungeon.

So, for all the game maniacs like us, LG has launched the product that can give us the freedom of playing game whole night. This product is LG W35 monitor. This product is optimized to reduce the strain on our eyes. And the best of it, it has auto brightness feature that can adjust its brightness with the light setting around it and inside the room where it is placed. This monitor also has a timer that reminds us of breaks that we need to take in order to avoid looking continuously at the screen, and it will help us if we want to play the game for long time.

Besides it has full HD resolution, 18.5-27 inch size and 16:9 aspect ratio on screen over 21.5 inches. There has been no word on the pricing and launch of this gamer friendly monitor!

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