Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wii System Update 4.0

Nintendo has finally released the most awaited firmware upgrade for their Wii console.

The "Wii Menu 4.0" adds a long awaited feature to simplify storage access for those who have reached their internal memory's capacity. Wii owners who have grown tired of swapping games between the memory and SD card in order to save space now have a much easier solution.


By using an SD card, Wii users may now access their SD card's content through the addition of the "SD Card Channel".

The SD Card channel will appear as an SD card icon near the Wii options button on the lower left side of the screen. Upon clicking this button, the system will access the card and allow you to load any stored Virtual Console, or Wii Ware games to the Wii for immediate play. The Wii internal system memory still requires a bit of space to play the game, as the data is temporarily copied to the internal memory, rather then being accessed from it directly.


The old system required the user to manually move the games between the internal memory and the SD Card in order to be played. The new system saves a lot of time and space.

In addition to this feature, you may now choose to download Virtual Console and Wii Ware games directly to the SD card right from the Wii Shop channel. However, the new update still does not allow you load save game data automatically from the SD card, so you have to copy the save game data manually to the internal memory.

The firmware upgrade also supports the SDHC format, so you may use cards with memory space as high as 32 gigs.

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